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Thursday, November 22, 2018

China's "Alternate" Sun

Hey guys in our previous blog we have talked about some of the best short movies to watch for online and today we have brought you a hot news... No, no don't take it that way I am just talking about China's new project which is all about finding a way to create a stable artificial sun!! Yes you have heard it right, so let's get started.

China is all about the artificial celestial bodies at the moment. Just weeks after we learnt the country was making a fake moon we're learning that its earth-based sun simulator is producing temperatures of 100 million degrees Celsius.
The core of the actual Sun reaches around 15 million degrees Celsius so this artificial sun is considerably hotter. But scientists believe that this is around the minimum temperature needed to create conditions suitable for nuclear fusion.

At 100 million degrees celsius it's possible to force charged deuterium and tritium particles together to get them to fuse. Usually these particles repel each other, making fusion impossible without massive internal temperatures.
Deuterium and tritium are isotopes of hydrogen and there's a plentiful supply available to use. 
IMAGE:China's Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), dubbed the "artificial sun".(Supplied: Institute Of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy Of Sciences)
While current nuclear power plants rely on nuclear fission — a chain reaction where uranium atoms are split to release energy — nuclear fusion effectively does the opposite by forcing atoms to merge.
One way of achieving this on Earth is by using what's known as a tokamak, a device designed to replicate the nuclear fusion process that occurs naturally in the Sun and stars to generate energy.
The EAST that pulled off the 100 million Celsius feat stands at 11 metres tall, has a diameter of 8 metres and weighs about 360 tonnes.

The isotopes (heavy and super-heavy isotopes — atomic variations — of hydrogen) are heated by powerful electric currents within the tokamak, tearing electrons away from their atoms and forming a charged plasma of hydrogen ions.
Powerful magnets lining the inner walls of EAST then contain the plasma to a tiny area to maximise the chance that the ions will fuse together.
When the ions fuse they give off a large amount of energy, which can then be harnessed to run a power plant and produce electricity.

For in-depth knowledge of artificial sun refer:


  1. Really nice information.
    You guys are doing superb work.
    Keep going. Best of luck!!👍👍

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